Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Thousand Things and Counting

It has been a while but we have not forgotten our goal of getting rid of 1000 things! We haven't made our goal of 1000 things as of yet, but we are plugging away at it diligently! During our move we were able to purge the house of about 500 things. We decided not too keep an exact total, as this became more and more difficult as the moving process continued. We did write most things down, but many things were either donated or given away without adding them to our list. As a result, we had to round our number off at 500. Please note that 500 is a low estimate of the actual number of items we were able to get rid of. We decided to error on the side of caution here!
Items that made their exit from our home included things such as...
Kitchen Items
Old toiletries
A few toy
Lots of paper ( we decided to count in pounds rather then each piece of individual paper)
Pet toys
Random Items we didn't know how to categorize

So, as you can see we were able to purge lots of stuff from our home. We already have a pile in the garage waiting to go out of this house as we work towards our goal. We will continue to update you on our progress, especially now that the move is over. We are determined to reach our goal by years end!

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