Thursday, May 26, 2011


It is hard to believe, but we have our first big attachment toy. Charlotte has fallen in love with this little stuffed Elmo doll she calls "Melmo." He is an ugly little critter, but Charlotte can't get enough of him. She cries if you forget him at nap time or in the car, she drags him around the house everywhere she goes (usually by one leg), he even has to sit within eye sight during meal times. CRAZY We have no idea how this happened, but "Melmo" is where it's at, in our house these days!It is so fun to watch Charlotte play with this little toy. The other day she was walking around with him shaking her finger at him saying "no no no." No idea what "Melmo" did, but sounded like he was in trouble! hehehe
We are sure we will have a few more adventures with this little critter over the next little while! Thought we would share our "Melmo" with you!

The Hitchhiker

It is hard to believe that we are nearly 14 weeks pregnant with baby number two already! Things are going great, mom is even able to feel the baby move every now and again. The Hitchhiker (the term we have given this little one, just didn't feel right to call her an it or something) is growing just great. We even got to hear the heart beat on Monday! Charlotte has begun to notice that mom's belly is growing and will point to either her belly or mom's and say "baby."
We will post more photos of our little Hitchhiker as the time goes by. We are very happy to announce that thus far the pregnancy has gone by quickly! We sure hope this continues!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Park Time!!!

Charlotte and I went to the park today with a few friends. Charlotte loves the park. She especially, loves the chance to run around and go down the slide over and over again which sounds a bit like "gain, gain, gain." She had fun and came home and took a three hour nap (mom really liked that part.)
Here we go!!!Time to go home :(We will for sure be back to the park soon!


This is Charlotte and her little buddy West. They are only 3 months apart and are the best of friends. Whenever I say, "West is coming today." Charlotte responds with "Weees Weeees Weees." until he actually arrives. The other day we were at Low's and the two of them were hugging each other. I couldn't help but snap a quick picture with my phone. (Note, the picture isn't very clear, but you can get the idea of the two of them together)They really are quite the pair of characters when they get together.

One Thousand Things and Counting

It has been a while but we have not forgotten our goal of getting rid of 1000 things! We haven't made our goal of 1000 things as of yet, but we are plugging away at it diligently! During our move we were able to purge the house of about 500 things. We decided not too keep an exact total, as this became more and more difficult as the moving process continued. We did write most things down, but many things were either donated or given away without adding them to our list. As a result, we had to round our number off at 500. Please note that 500 is a low estimate of the actual number of items we were able to get rid of. We decided to error on the side of caution here!
Items that made their exit from our home included things such as...
Kitchen Items
Old toiletries
A few toy
Lots of paper ( we decided to count in pounds rather then each piece of individual paper)
Pet toys
Random Items we didn't know how to categorize

So, as you can see we were able to purge lots of stuff from our home. We already have a pile in the garage waiting to go out of this house as we work towards our goal. We will continue to update you on our progress, especially now that the move is over. We are determined to reach our goal by years end!

Sneak Peak

As many of you already know, I am trying to break into the business of photography. Right now this still feels like a very lofty goal, but I have started shooting friends and family photos to gain some practice in both the shooting and editing aspects of taking pictures.
A couple of weeks ago I was able to do a shoot for a friend of mine and her very handsome young son. For privacy sake we will call them E and C. I had a great time taking pictures of these two characters!
Here is a quick sneak peak of our time together. I will post a few more photos later. I really had a lot of fun with these two. Snapping photos is quickly not just becoming a hobby but a passion. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Workin in the yard!

On Easter Charlotte got to help Dad in the yard. She picked up sticks, rocks, and whatever else she could get her hands on and tossed them into the buckets. Charlotte loves to help with just about anything, but getting to help Dad in the yard was extra special. Charlotte squealed and giggled as she picked up one item at a time. What fun!
Helping Dad..Oh what fun!In and OUT of the buckets they go!
Our little cutie!
Such a helper!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Getting so big!

Here are a few pictures taken yesterday of Charlotte. She is changing and growing so fast these days!We even got a few smiles out of her!! She smiles all the time, but getting her to pose for the camera at this age is a bit tricky! She would much rather be running around the house at a 100 miles an hour!
Can't tell in these pictures, be she finally has two, yes two, more teeth!! The top teeth have FINALLY made their grand appearance! Pictures to come soon!

Being Girly

Charlotte is truly a little girl. She loves baby dolls, jewelery, and anything pink! The other day she even played dress up for the first time!
She really isn't as unhappy as she looks in the pictures, her leg was still hurting her at this point.
What is more "girly" then a pink purse!

Okay, so eating the purse is probably not so girl like, but she has most of it down!!She is of course still her daddy's daughter...

We sure do love the sweet baby girl!


Well, as usual, things around here never go quite the way we planned. On Friday before Easter while walking (something Charlotte does quite well) she tripped. The fall itself wasn't too bad, but she wouldn't walk normally afterwords. Saturday, she wouldn't put any weight on her poor leg at all. So, off to the doctor we went. A trip for x-rays and a splint later we were back home. Poor thing couldn't walk on her leg for nearly 10 days. The good news was her leg was not broken, just sprained. She is up and running again!
So, all that to say our Easter pictures include her beautiful splint. She was quite the trooper and even let mom snap a few pictures! Well, there you have it! Happy Easter (A little late) from the Camfferman Family!

Catching up!

So, I know we are a bit behind, but here are a few posts that happened around Easter! The weekend before Easter we took Charlotte to her very first Easter egg hunt!! She loved it, but I am not sure she totally got the point, she kept trying to help the other kids put eggs in their baskets. It was loads of fun to watch! These are not the best pictures, as there were so many kids it was hard to get them, but here are a few!
Checking out her loot! It was so fun to watch her "hunting" for those eggs! We were getting all ready for Easter!