Our sweet baby Charlotte was such a trooper. We didn't really have anywhere to drop her off at 2:30 in the morning, so she came along for the ride. She slept most of the time in the ER only waking up a few times to eat and then went right back to sleep. All the doctors and nurses said she was beautiful and a good baby (we already knew this, but nice to hear nonetheless!)
I was admitted into the hospital Monday morning and surgery was scheduled for Tuesday. The surgery itself went great... no complications. The gall bladder is out and all the problems I had during the pregnancy are gone. I was actually able to have ice cream for the first time in nearly a year! I am still quite sore, BUT I am feeling so much better already!
I was released from the hospital only two hours after surgery and spent the first day with John and Charlotte. It was so hard to be away from my sweet baby, even if it was only for one night! The next few days Charlotte and I spent hanging out with Grandma Camfferman. Having a newborn who still doesn't sleep through the night, and recovering from incisions (even small ones) takes it's tole on ones body. A great big thanks to grandma for all the help!
Here are a few pictures from our week. They were taken with my phone so they are not the best quality but here they are nonetheless!
Hanging out in the bouncy seat!
Yeah...let me sleep!Sleeping....so sweet!
Thanks again to everyone who helped out, sent kind words of encouragement, or who just sent out good thoughts and prayers! We are doing well and mamma is recovering well. We will post some better pictures hopefully sometime this weekend so check back soon!
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